Animals Free Travel

The Importance of Animal-Free Travel: Why We Believe in Sustainable Tourism

As a travel planner, we at Going Nepal firmly believe that traveling should be animal-free. The exploitation of animals for tourism purposes has become a hot topic in recent years. The treatment of animals in the tourism industry is often inhumane and causes immense suffering, both physically and psychologically. We, as a responsible travel agency, have decided to take a stance and promote animal-free tourism. In this article, we will discuss why we believe in animal-free tourism and how we plan to implement this practice in our services.

The need for animal-free tourism:

The tourism industry has become one of the largest industries in the world, with millions of people traveling to different parts of the world every year. However, the treatment of animals in the tourism industry has become a major concern. Many animals are being subjected to cruel and inhumane practices in the name of entertainment, such as elephant riding, camel rides, tiger petting, and more. These animals are often mistreated and subjected to harsh conditions, causing immense physical and psychological harm. As a responsible travel planner, we believe that it is our responsibility to promote animal-free tourism and put an end to these inhumane practices.

Why choose animal-free tourism?

Traveling is about experiencing different cultures, exploring new destinations, and creating lifelong memories. Animal-free tourism allows travelers to experience all of this without compromising their values. By choosing animal-free tourism, travelers can still experience the beauty of nature and interact with local cultures without harming animals. Additionally, by promoting animal-free tourism, we can encourage responsible travel practices that benefit the environment and local communities.

Our commitment to animal-free tourism:

As a responsible travel agency, we are committed to promoting animal-free tourism in all our services. Our animal-free travel policy ensures that no animal is exploited or mistreated in any of our tours or activities. We have partnered with like-minded tour operators, accommodations, and transport providers who share our vision for animal-free tourism. Our tours are designed to provide unique experiences that are cruelty-free, ethical, and sustainable.

Our commitment to animal-free tourism does not end with our tours. We educate our staff and clients on the importance of animal welfare and encourage responsible travel practices that promote sustainable tourism. We support local organizations that promote animal welfare and conservation, and we actively participate in community projects that benefit animals and their habitats.


As a responsible travel planner, we are committed to promoting animal-free tourism and putting an end to inhumane practices in the tourism industry. By choosing animal-free tourism, travelers can still experience the beauty of nature and interact with local cultures without harming animals. Our commitment to animal-free tourism ensures that all our tours and activities are ethical, sustainable, and cruelty-free. We hope that by promoting animal-free tourism, we can encourage responsible travel practices that benefit the environment, local communities, and animals.


Q: Does animal-free tourism mean that we cannot interact with animals at all during our travels?

 A: No, animal-free tourism means that we promote ethical and responsible interactions with animals that do not harm or exploit them.

Q: How can we know if a travel agency practices animal-free tourism?

A: You can check the agency's website and their animal-free travel policy. Look for certifications from recognized animal welfare organizations.

Q: Is animal-free tourism more expensive than traditional tourism?

A: It depends on the tour or activity. Animal-free tourism may cost more, but it also promotes responsible and sustainable tourism practices that benefit the environment and local communities.

Q: Is animal-free tourism only for animal lovers?

 A: No, animal-free



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